Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Mobile App Development

A cross platform app is best balance between value and cost, while native app can provide the excellent performance it would be high both on development and maintainance cost. Cross platform apps gives the acceptable performance of most of the business cases unless we are building very graphics heavy apps. Cross platform let us keep most of the source code for both Android and iOS builds common bringing significant savings in develpoment cost.

We have a recipe to build a perfect mobile app that helps you achieve your business goals in given business parameters. We design and deliver an initiative and personalized experience to the user through the app.

We measure the success of the app by the retention rate and we had delivered winning apps to many businesses to date. Explore our mobile app development case studies here. It fills us with content to know that our clients love our work; discover their testimonials here.

Our recipe to deliver winning apps is the perfect blend of processes, practices, and efficient tools combined with people of the right skill set. We groom our team with a favorable culture that encourages them to understand fundamentals and appreciate the value they provide to businesses. Below mentioned are the guiding principles of our recipe. Our full recipe is available here

Focus on business goals

We document business goals expected to be achieved from the app at the start of any project. We make sure to stay mindful of these goals while designing and building the app. Also, we track the progress of the project against these goals achieved.

Focus on business goals

Design as per business parameters

We design apps that are relevant to your business and challenges, it sometimes makes us take unconventional ways too. We believe design should help a business to achieve its goals than be the best of its kind.

Design as per business parameters

Deliver in Iterative increments

We build apps in iterations such that at the end of each iteration we deliver a demonstrable piece of work to product owners. The apps delivered through this iterative process deliver a high business value since it’s built out of constant feedback from business.

Deliver in Iterative increments

We build apps using cross platform technologies which gives best balance between performance and cost.

React Native

We build apps on a robust and cross-platform React Native tech stack using one of the Redux or Mobx for the state management. React Native helps us strike the best balance between performance and cost. It gives near-native performance while saving development and maintenance costs by keeping most of the app's code common across the mobile platforms- Android and iOS

We have delivered the success to businesses who are market leaders of their industries through our time tested methodologies and values. These case studies demonstrate the effectivity our recipe and capabilities.

Airline retailing portal

We had helped an excess inventory liquidation platform to reduce their app uninstalls and significantly improved customer engagement on the app. We have built features to deliver a personalized experience to the customers on the app.

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We delivered the stable MVP of the platform that includes Admin panels, Web Portal and Android and iOS apps, which is being used 5K businesses to date. We have kept the cost of building MVP to a minimum that helped clients to test the business idea at minimum risk.

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Test automation portal

We have built an app for engaging the staff of our client’s organization. The app pulls the web content from the CMS system but delivers a seamless native app experience to its users. A rich and engaging experience for staff is the primary goal that we delivered in the app.

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There is a reason why we are recognized as top developers, we deliver...

We are proud to be recognized for quality of our work

We believe in setting the expectations upfront and keep the pricing transparent. We also believe in educating our clients if necessary with the pros and cons of different engagement, delivery and billing models so they can take a informed decision. The choice of right models depends on various factors and we love to work with you to help you choose the right one based on your needs.

Best pricing plan for you depends on if your primarily objective is in-budget delivery or high delivering apps. We recommend you to keep in-budget delivery as the objective if you are just starting the app or have limited time or knowledge to get into the nitty gritty of the deliveries. We would make sure we deliver in budget while keeping app's ROI to optimum.

If you are looking for apps that deliver huge business outcomes then we recommend agile delivery model where we build the app by trial and iterations. There is reason why trail and iterations delivers high performing app, it's impossible to define and design the perfect app on paper, best way it to build a good enough app and validate, take feedback and improvise in further iteration. We cover you from budget standpoint by providing ballpark budget and are committed to get the delivery done well within this budget.


Let's get in touch to discuss how you could achieve your business goals building tailor made app for your business
